Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two Card Selections

Two Card Selections Using a Stripper Card Deck

Two Card Selections Using a Stripper Card Deck -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Alright everybody, let's do a trick with the stripper deck using the principle I just showed you. We'll have two cards selected. Say they were selected from a fan. They can be returned to the deck. We'll give it a shuffle and a cut. Now, for the first card, I'm just going to run my finger along the deck just like this. I'm going to pull out one card. That was the king of diamonds.

Shuffle the deck again. For the next card it's going to be a little more difficult. I'm going to cover my eyes with my hand, just reach over, cut the deck, and find the second selected card, the jack of diamonds. That's the two card selection using the stripper deck. In just a minute I'll show you how to do that."

Two Card Explanation Using a Stripper Card Deck

Two Card Explanation Using a Stripper Card Deck -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Alright everybody, so basically to do the two card selection, we combine some principles and some ideas I already talked about into a trick. Let me run it through for you so you have it all in one place. These were the cards we used, the king of diamonds and the jack of diamonds. These could of have been selected from a fan. That's probably what I would have done or I would have had them selected from a spread like this. Let's say they were selected from the spread.

We'll do the square up like this, then I can have the first person return their card. The second person maybe I'll do something like have them say stop. They can return their card there, they can just push it into the deck somewhere. It doesn’t matter because now I know right where those two cards are. I can even see them a little bit sticking out there. It's hard for the camera to see probably, but I can see the edges of the cards sticking out. We'll give them a shuffle.

I'll use the over hand shuffle for the first one. All I'm going to do is strip out one of the two cards. This is the case where they don't know what you're going to do. If you're stripping them out and you get both of them, you still did a good trick. I'm going to try and get just one of them and strip it out just like that and show them that's the jack of diamonds. Then we'll cut the deck.

I gave it a riffle shuffle. Again, being really careful not to reverse the other half. Then for the second card, I just my hand over my eyes and then I reached over and I gently grip the edge of the card that I can feel sticking out and cut right to the second selected card, the king of diamonds. That's how you do the two card selection using a stripper deck."

Two Card Variation Using a Stripper Card Deck

Two Card Variation Using a Stripper Card Deck -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Here's some other ideas to use with a multiple card selection. The first idea is that you can use more than two cards. We'll use the jack and the king and this 7 of clubs. Once they're reversed in the deck, you can have them in different spots like that. You can shuffle the deck as much as you'd like and you can do a few different things.

You can Hindu shuffle the deck, and if you can keep doing that eventually you're going to strip out all 3 cards and they're going to end up on top. Or you could pull one card out, cut to the second one, and then for the third one you can do a Hindu shuffle until you run out of cards and then strip it right out like that.

There's also one variation that we're going to put in a trick where if have the cards on top, you could cut the deck again. Now they're all together in the deck and you can just strip them all out and kind of spread them like that. That gives it a cool sort of poker player flare to it.

I'll review that for you quickly. If we have the cards at 3 different spots in the deck and we do the Hindu shuffle and they end up stripped out so they're all on top. Then we can cut the deck, and using the strip out, we can just pull all three cards at the same time. That's a cool flourishy way to reveal multiple cards."

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