Saturday, January 16, 2010

Card Trick Prediction Using Magic

Card Trick Prediction Using Magic

Card Trick Prediction Using Magic -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Today we are going to learn how to predict the future. This is another prediction, you can use, we are playing card games, you just need two decks, you explain to them that you have a prediction in here, you will show later, but for now you are just going to give the deck a shuffle and you are going to get through the deck, whenever they stop, that is where you will stop at, you just keep on like this, and they will say stop, you show them the card that they have stopped at, which in this case is 10 of spades, tell them to remember it and close the deck up set is aside, have them open the pack of cards, so when they open it and take them out, tell them just to thumb through them face down and they will go through all the cards and you just say keep going and they will get through a red card, and if you notice it is the only red card that is in this pack and when they turn it over, you will find out that it is the actual card that they stopped at."

Magic Card Trick Prediction Revealed

Magic Card Trick Prediction Revealed -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Today we are going to learn how to predict the future. This is the explanation for the colored back prediction. The set up is you are just going to take a card out of a different colored back than the blue back, which will always be red and stick it anywhere on the deck you want, just remember what it is and in this is case it is the 10 of spades, put it back in the box and set it aside, that portion is done, you can just have them hold on to that. The only set up you will need to do with the actual deck is have the card that you want them to select on the bottom of the deck and give it a shuffle, when you shuffle just make sure the pack that you have has the 10 of spades on it that is the first card to get down and you shuffle it up like that, so it is always going to stay on the bottom, be careful not to flash the bottom card and that way they just feel the deck is thoroughly mixed and to force the card on them, to get them the pick the 10 of spades, you are going to do the hindu shuffle, in which you will just hold the deck from the top and the hand comes up from underneath, it is going to take small packets off the top of the deck like that until they say stop, whenever they feel free to say stop, you are actually going to show them the bottom card, done slow, you can see what is happening, but when you get practice you can grab the cards like this and do a hindu shuffle, it just looks like you are shuffling the cards until I say stop and I stop you at that card and it is always going to be the card that you put on the bottom, so you just tell them to remember it, keep it in their mind and set the deck aside from there, you will have them go ahead and open the pack and get the cards out, just tell them to thumb through them face down like that and as they go through they are really not sure what is going to happen, so when they see that there is a red card in there they will stop and you just tell them to set it aside and go ahead and take a look at it and when they look at it and realize it matches their card, they will be really shocked for a couple of reasons, one they thought they had a free choice from a shuffled deck, two it is a different colored back than the packet it came out of, which makes it in their mind undeniable and there cannot be a chance, there is no chance for failure this had to been it and that’s why it is really hard, so give it a try and have fun with it."

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