Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Circumference of a Glass

"Circumference of a Glass" Bar Trick Wager

"Circumference of a Glass" Bar Trick Wager -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Hi, my name is Sean Graham on behalf of Expert Village. Trick number 3. As you can see we a table and a glass. Now here is the point of the trick what I'm going to ask you is "oh question for a drink do you think that the height of this glass from here to here is bigger is bigger from here to here?" Is the height from the glass to here to here is bigger then the glass from here to here? What do you think? Most people say this is bigger. So if you would accept the answer to that what would you do if I did this. Now which is bigger from here to here or from here to here? Let's up the stakes up a little bit more. So if I did this now I have a ashtray, my phone, glass so what do you think is bigger from here to here or from here to here? You decide. "

"Circumference of a Glass" Bar Trick Solution

"Circumference of a Glass" Bar Trick Solution -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Hi, my name is Sean Graham on behalf of Expert Village. Trick number 3 solution. Remember the bet I asked you this, is it bigger from here to here or from here to here. Let's see here is a solution we would just move this down here for a second. Take a piece of tissue like this, wrap the tissue around the glass nice and tight. Take a pen, tissue is nice and tight you can see where it ends. Put a nice strong line like this. Now put the glass on top of the phone, take the tissue and there you have it. There is your proof, there is your mark the glass is bigger from here to here, then from here to here. "