Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to do the Hand-to-Hand Spread Card Trick

How to do the Hand-to-Hand Spread Card Trick

How to do the Hand-to-Hand Spread Card Trick -- powered by

Video Transcript

" Hi Malik the magic guy for Now one of the basic things that you are going to have to do a lot if you are having cards selected is spreading the cards between your hands. Now you can use the fan just like I've showed you, but what a lot of people would do is spread the cards like this to have a card selected. Now there is two ways to do it. You can either spread the cards like this so they keep moving. So they are kind of going by like a conveyor belt for someone to reach in and take one. The way that you want to do that is underneath I'm feeding my cards with my thumb up here and then underneath I'm using my first and second finger to kind of walk across the cards this way. So from the top it looks like this, and that could kind of give you some motion, and it is a nice way to have them select a card. Now if you want a more static style spread, what is going to happen—I'm going to grab with my opposing thumb here and I'm going to pull across like this. As i pull across, I'm going to extend the fingers on my hands like this. So what happens is I got this situation. Now in the middle the cards are actually holding themselves in place. So it is actually tough to hold it up like this, but you can see... so basically it is just kind of trying to get a shot underneath here the fingers are extended out, holding up the cards just like that. And that is a nice way, if a hand was going to reach in and take a card just like that, or if you were going to have a hand reach across and take one from a moving spread of cards just like that. That is two ways to spread card in between your hands."

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Card Trick Prediction Using Magic

Card Trick Prediction Using Magic

Card Trick Prediction Using Magic -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Today we are going to learn how to predict the future. This is another prediction, you can use, we are playing card games, you just need two decks, you explain to them that you have a prediction in here, you will show later, but for now you are just going to give the deck a shuffle and you are going to get through the deck, whenever they stop, that is where you will stop at, you just keep on like this, and they will say stop, you show them the card that they have stopped at, which in this case is 10 of spades, tell them to remember it and close the deck up set is aside, have them open the pack of cards, so when they open it and take them out, tell them just to thumb through them face down and they will go through all the cards and you just say keep going and they will get through a red card, and if you notice it is the only red card that is in this pack and when they turn it over, you will find out that it is the actual card that they stopped at."

Magic Card Trick Prediction Revealed

Magic Card Trick Prediction Revealed -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Today we are going to learn how to predict the future. This is the explanation for the colored back prediction. The set up is you are just going to take a card out of a different colored back than the blue back, which will always be red and stick it anywhere on the deck you want, just remember what it is and in this is case it is the 10 of spades, put it back in the box and set it aside, that portion is done, you can just have them hold on to that. The only set up you will need to do with the actual deck is have the card that you want them to select on the bottom of the deck and give it a shuffle, when you shuffle just make sure the pack that you have has the 10 of spades on it that is the first card to get down and you shuffle it up like that, so it is always going to stay on the bottom, be careful not to flash the bottom card and that way they just feel the deck is thoroughly mixed and to force the card on them, to get them the pick the 10 of spades, you are going to do the hindu shuffle, in which you will just hold the deck from the top and the hand comes up from underneath, it is going to take small packets off the top of the deck like that until they say stop, whenever they feel free to say stop, you are actually going to show them the bottom card, done slow, you can see what is happening, but when you get practice you can grab the cards like this and do a hindu shuffle, it just looks like you are shuffling the cards until I say stop and I stop you at that card and it is always going to be the card that you put on the bottom, so you just tell them to remember it, keep it in their mind and set the deck aside from there, you will have them go ahead and open the pack and get the cards out, just tell them to thumb through them face down like that and as they go through they are really not sure what is going to happen, so when they see that there is a red card in there they will stop and you just tell them to set it aside and go ahead and take a look at it and when they look at it and realize it matches their card, they will be really shocked for a couple of reasons, one they thought they had a free choice from a shuffled deck, two it is a different colored back than the packet it came out of, which makes it in their mind undeniable and there cannot be a chance, there is no chance for failure this had to been it and that’s why it is really hard, so give it a try and have fun with it."

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fingertip Mind Reading Trick Using Magic

Fingertip Mind Reading Trick Using Magic

Fingertip Mind Reading Trick Using Magic -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Today we are going to learn how to predict the future. Another part of the predictions, this is the actual warmup in fact this is not necessarily prediction, but you only use it before you get into doing your prediction as you just tell somebody to hold up their hand, just relax and make sure they are not like this, this is a relaxed hand, and you tell them beforehand what you are going to do, you are going to take your index finger and press on each tip of their fingers, but what you want them to do is just keep their hands relaxed and concentrate on any of the fingers and just keep concentrating on it before when you touch it, this is relaxed. So say for example, they are thinking of a finger, you touch on all of them and then you can tell them you are thinking of your ring finger and you will be correct."

Magic Fingertip Mind Reading Trick Revealed

Magic Fingertip Mind Reading Trick Revealed -- powered by

Video Transcript

"Today we are going to learn how to predict the future. This will explain like why this will work 99 times out of 100 this will work. When their hand is held up and it is relaxed and you press on the fingers, if they are thinking about like their index finger for example and they know what you are going to do ahead of time, this finger will have more resistance when you push on it than all the other fingers do, consciously they are not aware of that, it is a subconscious thing, that they cannot control, it is a neural muscle thing and as long as you tell them beforehand, what you are going to do it will work, if you do not tell them, what you are going to do you just tell them to just think of a finger and you start pressing on it, you are going to change their concentration to what is he doing with my fingertips, they are going to completely forget about their fingers altogether and it will not workout. So when you tell them ahead of time I am going to be pressing on the tips of your fingers, I just want you to concentrate on one, do not change, do not break the concentration as I press on them and just stay relaxed, that is when it will work because they subconsciously cannot control that even if they consciously try to fool you out, if it does not work that 1% chance that it does not work, it is a warm up effect to do a prediction or to foretell the future and you want to pick somebody that is going to be the best, if it does work out use them because they are naturally going to be interested and more suggestible, they’re going to have a better time than somebody else skeptical about the whole thing that you are doing anyway."